VRA Members Podcast. Manufactured Crisis, New Patriot Act. Ideas For Your Own Massive Bailout, Today!

Good Thursday morning all. As of 10 minutes ago, 9278 dead globally. 150 in the US. Swine flu killed 500,000 globally and approx 13,000 in the US. No panic. No economic/market crash, no mass hysteria.

We know what this is. Manufactured crisis. Like the Patriot Act after 9/11, this is about one thing. Control. But the coming version of the 2001 Patriot Act will go farther. This time the control will reach global and American companies. No longer will they be allowed the freedoms they had before. And you know what, a whole lot of those freedoms only hurt the people, so maybe it won’t all be bad.

The key point is, “they” had to keep pushing company stock prices lower…had to destroy CEO’s and boards ability to say “no”…had to inflict enough pain to get them to say uncle. Looks like most are doing just that. “Please bail us out…we’’ll give you whatever you want”.

But again….manufactured crisis. Without question. We see what’s what…



Please make sure and listen. I get into ideas that you can use TODAY to put several months of money in your pockets right now. Give you some breathing room. And I walk you through whats about to happen to the markets (parabolic move higher) and the one sector that must be owned….right now.

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Here’s my interview with our great friend Wayne Root last night. I’m on each night at 8:30 this week…likely into next…join us!


Until next time, thanks again for reading…


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