VRA Weekly Update: The Little Guy Strikes Back. Decentralization Everywhere. Learn the Gamma Squeeze Story.

Good Friday morning all.

Here's the link to last nights Wayne Root interview: https://soundcloud.com/user-640389393/kip-herriage-live-on-war-now-with-wayne-allyn-root-012821

What's happening now, to you, me and regular investors everywhere is criminal. You're furious, I'm furious, anyone that understands fair play is furious. Robinhood, Etrade, Ameritrade, etc...they belong in the dustbin of investing history. 

We're building a list of trusted brokers. We'll have that out soon. 

The elites crushed us in 2008. We wore it. Now, they're trying to do it again. 20 years of a slow boil might mean these smarmy assholes should keep an eye in their rear view mirror. 100 million + of us might just want some payback.  

This has the look and feel of a criminal conspiracy that leads right to the White House. Who told these firms to cease all buy side trading in AMC and GME, etc?? It was Janet Yellen...I'd put serious $$ on it. 

This is not going away. 

And I think this short squeeze story is just starting. After buying Tesla ($42), and watching these same shorts try and bury the company into insolvency, Musk and team figured something out. They figured out how to use math against the creators of their own derivatives. I think this is a big story here. 

Here's a piece on Gamma Squeezes you'll want to read. Deep out of the money options are feeding these short squeezes. It's one of the reasons Tesla has soared. It's why we own AMC today...and why we bought AGQ yesterday. Silver is up big again today...as is AMC. 


if you haven’t seen this late breaking news, it’s a bombshell…and it confirms what i’ve been hearing from other sources late this afternoon; the White House, led by the HIGHLY conflicted Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen, looks to be behind these rigged Wall Street games, targeting little guy/girl investors in favor of the biggest of big hedge funders. 

if true….it almost certainly is…the Biden Admin gave explicit orders to halt the buying of shares/options in GME, AMC and others, giving hedge funds the time and opportunity to stop the bleeding of billions of additional dollars in losses. If you want to talk about an impeachable offense….


This story isn’t going away. Yellen, in just the last 2 years, was paid $7.2 million in “speaking fees” (ala HRC) by Wall Street hedgies, including more than $800,000 by Citadel, which just happens to clear for, you guessed it, Robinhood.  

Janet Yellen’s once clean image is now toast…in a single day. 

It’s said that eventually the chickens come home to roost. We think/hope that time has come. But we should also be on alert…this is commonly when a “distraction” jumps up and bites us in the butt. Impeccable timing, those deep state distractions. 

Finally, we’re seeing some brokers announce tonight that they will begin allowing “some” buying in these short squeeze names. On that news, in after hours trading GME is reading back above $300/share with AMC back above $12.

With the millions in stock options outstanding in these names, it remains likely that a structural short squeeze will continue in these stocks. If you remember my stories about why I've owned Tesla all these years, their short position of 42% (at one point) was one of those reasons. Structural short squeezes, driven by both options and stock squeezes, take on a life of their own. 

Unless they rig this game completely, I don’t know how AMC doesn’t surpass $100/share. I still think it will. 

Hope you can join me on Waynes show tonight and Chris’s show in the morning. 

Until next time, thanks again for reading…


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